Les Activités / Toutes les activités / Rencontres internationales de l’Académie royale de Belgique. Visions du Monde/Reading the complexity of the World : L’Union européenne dans le monde incertain du XXIe siècle : acteur marginal ou leader multilatéral ?


Rencontres internationales de l’Académie royale de Belgique. Visions du Monde/Reading the complexity of the World : L’Union européenne dans le monde incertain du XXIe siècle : acteur marginal ou leader multilatéral ?

Mardi 19/02/2019 – 14h00

In our increasingly complex and unstable world, it is important to understand how each region, each culture, each relevant State articulates local concerns and global issues. It is important to know the various perceptions and visions of the relationships that exist, or could be developed, between global performers.

In the heart of the European capital, the Royal Academy of Belgium is committed to hearing and discussing different readings, and measuring their convergence as well as their antagonisms. It is the ideal place for the gathering of scientists, politicians, diplomats, officials of European and World institutions, or any curious mind. The « Rencontres internationales de l’Académie royale de Belgique » will allow participants to build their own representation of the complexity of relations between states, regions and cultures of the globalized world.

Possibilité de suivre la conférence en live sur le site de la Commission européenne














Palais des Académies


Salle du Trône


Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles
